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East Gig Harbor Association
HomeEGHA History

Do you know?
  • Why you have plentiful and clean drinking water?
  • Why boats are not left anchored in the harbor as derelicts?
  • Why the Seattle Yacht Club has a small outstation along our shores?
  • How the lighthouse on the sandspit got built?

All of this, and more, is the result of years of work by the East Gig Harbor Association!

 The Formation of the Association
The Association was originally formed over two major issues…increased land development and the request by the Seattle Yacht Club to build an outstation in the Bay. After two years, seeking County approval, the Yacht Club, and a small group of individuals, under the name of East Gig Harbor Improvement Association, negotiated an agreement which pared down a substantial outstation which would have affected nearby neighbors. That 1985 covenant has since been amended in 1995 and 1998, with the Yacht Club being excellent neighbors with a minimal outstation.

More Association Activity

A couple of years later, the Association organized and promoted the construction of the Lighthouse. It was co-chaired by Irene Widney and John Holmaas, both long-time Association members. It was completed, along with 100-time capsules that helped fund the construction, in 1989.

The Association has also upheld boat-only access to the sandspit, promoting the City’s eventual ownership of the sandspit property itself, along with the maintenance of the Lighthouse.

In 1996 the Association petitioned the City of Gig Harbor to annex the East side, for sewer, water, and police protection. The zoning the City proposed would have made the waterfront properties nonconforming. It was rejected by the Association. The Association would explore annexation again in 1998 and 2008, but by that time, water and sewage availability had become less important for several reasons, and the effort did not rise to importance with the residents.
Assuring Clean, Abundant Drinking Water

The reason you have not only clean drinking water, but adequate water, is because of the Association. The County had rejected any new building permits because of inadequate supply. The Association spent several years surveying residents, investigating, and negotiating with the former owner, resulting in a condemnation trial. The current water district was formed, and two ballot issues voted on to secure 15-year financing to purchase the water company and make improvements to the water supply. Those bonds were paid off in 2023.
Protecting the Beauty and Safety of East Gig Harbor

Land use has been on the radar of the Association since the mid-1980’s. The most recent issue has been East Harbor Estates that was revised from over 40 homes to the existing downsized plat, The 40-lot subdivision was fought by the Association for years.

The Association has also monitored shorelines since the Shoreline Master Plan was adopted in 1975. The residents have testified for and against various revisions in the Plan, out of compliance docks, and permitting of buoys. The Association has also testified regarding proposed shellfish aquaculture in the bay and FEMA regulation changes in 2006, and more recently as well.
The Adopt-a-Road program was set up about 10 years ago, spearheaded by Matt Rice.The Neighborhood Watch program began with discussions of cameras in 2008 to note suspicious vehicles on the streets. The program was finalized in 2012 and is currently spearheaded by Joel Messing and Mark Tilden.
Road safety and conditions have been a constant hot topic for the group. The Association has worked with the County since at least 2008 to notify it of potholes, necessary tree trimming, signage, street markings and speed warning signs.Boat activity, as in abandoned boats, has been a focus for well over a dozen years. The Association supported the City annexing the County side of the Bay (the water) to better be able to patrol activity on the entire Bay. The Association is responsible for pushing the City to police the length of time boaters moor in the Bay and taking action to have derelict/abandoned boats removed. Currently, Joel Messing regularly monitors, with his drone, the length of time boaters moor in the Bay. We also monitor the use – or misuse- of the Boat Launch area.The Association has had, since the beginning, the mission to communicate with neighbors on a multitude of issues. This is a general progression of methods your Association has used:
  • The 1997 ice storm when East Gig Harbor was without electricity for 9 days prompted a hard copy membership directory, listing skills and equipment neighbors had who could help.
  • In 2008 the Association formed a Google Group for communication. That group eventually was transitioned to an email forum.
  • The Association published quarterly newsletters in the mid-2000's.
  • We started an EGHA Facebook group in 2015. It's still active today with 88 members (as of March 2024)
In April 2024, we launched a fully interactive website where members and monitor events, communicate via private discussion forums open only to our members, register for meetings and events, pay dues, and interact with the board of directors, and post photos, just to name a few....
